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Tips on Maintaining a Good Company Culture

The largest and most influential organizations in the world do their best to maintain their company culture. Why is that?

‘Company culture is the personality of the company. It defines the environment in which employees work. Company culture includes a variety of elements, including work environment, company mission, value, ethics, expectations, and goals. (The Balance Careers, 2019).’ It is the company’s culture that can drive a team to deliver the best of their potentials. A business that understands the importance of good company culture, tend to invest in their people in order to get the best out of them.

Employee satisfaction and motivation is the key to running a smooth business, but this also helps to save money in the long run. Employees with stress, poor health, absenteeism can affect the overall turnover of the company.

These factors are obvious to state, but what are the key points that must be taken under consideration to create and maintain good company culture?

Commitment is key This needs to start from the uppermost management in the company’s hierarchy. A company’s leader must look and work like a leader rather than a boss. Leaders understand teamwork and facilitate it by showing the staff that everyone is working together.

Employee needs and demands Salary and pension schemes are only the starting point. Employees are generally more driven to work for companies that offer better lifestyle benefits; some times this also keeps employees from leaving a certain organization as their current offers can go unmatched. Flexible working hours, allowing employees to work-from-home, study days, etc. are also key factors in ensuring employee satisfaction. Remember, your employee is working to be able to earn a better living. If a job or position requires an extra commitment, ensure to provide extra benefit to keep the employee around.

Employee development A lot of organizations have jobs and positions but most company HR Representatives fail to discuss employee development plans. Remember, your employee may have personal goals just like you have an organization goal. Discuss your future plans for them to understand what path they would like to grow on better. Investment in an employee may not only be monetary. Most people also consider their workplace as their learning environment.

Feedback Open company cultures are constantly motivating employees to receive feedback and constructive criticism from their managers and peers. This helps them get a better idea of what work path they are looking at and can also be helpful in improving any skills that require brushing up. Mistakes in the workplace are common, a harsh manager can also cause employee demotivation – which can eventually lead to an unsatisfied employee.

Social events Does your company celebrate social events from time-to-time? If you are asking your employees to work on special days and occasions, ensure to compensate that with a cultural or celebratory working day. This helps relieve stress off employees and creates inter-team bonding.

Inventiveness A company’s innovation is important, but having the same attitude towards an employee is just as important. Engagement with staff and keeping them informed about the latest trends and advancements in their field is important. Do this by letting them attend industry events.

Job Perks Employment hack 101: regular perks can make a great difference in employee work life and to their mental health. Early finish days, dress down days, are free and can help lighten the mood.

Bibliography The Balance Careers. (2019). What Is Company Culture?

Available at: What Is Company Culture?

Michael Page International (2019). What is a good company culture?

Available at: What is a good company culture?

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