film terminology

What is a Medium Close-Up Shot and what does it signify?

Medium close-up shots are commonly used among directors. However, it does take a lot of practice to understand how to use them appropriately. In this blog; we will look at the medium close-up shot, and what makes it so special amongst the directors. Medium close-up shots are used just as commonly as close-up shots and […]

What is a Medium Close-Up Shot and what does it signify? Read More »

What is a Close-Up shot? How did it emerge & how it’s used in film.

A close-up shot is a photograph or shot taken of a subject or object at close range intended to offer the viewer more detail on the subject. The imagery in the frame should be identifiable. When the close-up is used on an actor, it creates a more critical emotional connection between your audience and the

What is a Close-Up shot? How did it emerge & how it’s used in film. Read More »

What is an Over-The-Shoulder Shot and How is it Used?

In film or television, an ‘over the shoulder’ shot is when the camera is positioned behind one character and facing another, so the one character’s shoulder and back face the audience. In other words, the shoulder of an off-screen actor is in the foreground while the on-screen actor has complete coverage. The off-screen actor’s shoulder

What is an Over-The-Shoulder Shot and How is it Used? Read More »

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