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5 Hacks To Speed Up Your Google Calendar Management

Calendar may be the most underrated tool whether its online or the traditional one. We all have this love and hate relationship with it but we can’t deny that we love how to manage our time and the calendar is our ally. In my case as a working mom, I need to schedule my day in order to on time with everything! and in order to make every thing possible, I rely to my bestfriend the calendar.

When I say we all have a love hate relationship with our calendars, you know what I mean. Organizing can be messy, sounds ironic but it can be plus you want to use a calendar that fits what you need but here’s the problem some of them you need to pay for subscriptions and for me that’s another headache. As a loyal Google workspace user I definitely appreciate having everything on one platform, it just makes it easier.

So here’s how you can champ at time management and organizing and get a way with a boring Google Calendar with this awesome hacks:

Have Fun with Color Coding

If you are a very visual person, then this Google calendar hack is for you. One of the things that makes me excited to organize my week is being able to do color coding in Google Calendar. For a visual person this very much help us identify through personal way of time management identifying things that are urgent, miscellaneous, personal, or work related. You can simply do this by placing your cursor on the event you have made, right click and it will show you options to a color palette. Although they may be limited color options its does have enough to make your calendar less attractive.

Drag and Drop your Events

A very simple feature that Google Calendar has that most do know is that you can simply drag and drop you scheduled meeting or task. I personally love these feature and it makes it easier to reschedule meetings or task by just dragging and dropping if all the details is just the same. And get this, if you drag and drop it automatically updates the attendees for the certain event or meeting you have moved. It is a very simple feature that allows you to speed up. In a matter of seconds you have just saved time and move on to your next agenda.

Hit Your Goals

We all have that sticky note tasks or even personal goals that do not take much time on our calendar but we always forget. These are goals that we usually want to hit on a daily basis such as doing quick exercise, reading, drink water when we wake up, or even the simplest things like taking a bath. Believe me, when you are a working mom, the personal things get to fall off on your plate, but thankfully this feature allows me to schedule my personal goals too. However the goals features is only accessible on mobile, tablet, and iPad as it is design to create quick goals while you are on the go.

Extend Duration

Do you ever need to extend the duration of an event on your calendar but you don’t know how to do it in a jiff? I love this hack as it does takes seconds to extend the duration of a certain event on your calendar. Just simply hover your cursor to a specific event, and start dragging from the bottom when the resizing cursor shows you can now easily extend or either minimize the duration of your event. A very simple hack yet it saves time rather done editing the event and changing the time manually.

Publish Event

Do you just want to send a link to your group chat for an event because you are in a hurry? Yes you can! You can easily send a link to a friend, a coworker, a client, or event to a group by accessing Publish Event. Simply click the event, hover your cursor to the 3 dot icon beside the email icon and you can see publish event. Once done it will direct to links you can use to send to your attendees and they can use the code as well to add to their Google Calendar. Its very easy and a no brainer hack for Google users!

Be creative with time management & organization

Time management and organization does not have to be one size fits all. Platforms like Google Calendar allows us to be creative on how to organize and manage our time, this hacks can help you easily help you navigate your day and don’t spend time getting through the longer process. Shortcuts saves you time to focus on managing you day to day activities and of course work on collaboration better with your team.

Do share us the Google calendar hacks you know and let us also share with our Cinemagic Rockstar Team members and let’s collaborate!

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